A family of creative artists.

Owner/Designer of Riverside Market
Chandra Wagner is a wife and mother of 2. Within the last couple years, her family settled back in her hometown to bring fellowship for others and a destination business to the community she loved as a child. Her husband would tell you "she always orders things not on the menu". That is what this artist does. Chandra creates and designs from what is put in front of her to work with. She is wonderful at showing beauty in what many would see as having no purpose.

Owner/Renovator of Riverside Market
Chris is a husband and father to the Wagner family. He is the talent behind the scenes who is a born motivator and leader. Chris has turned a fully functioning car wash into now the largest jewelry store in the area. The before and after photos are something not to miss after seeing all the work Chris has put into this business. Aside from his constant support and contributions to the shop, Chris does freelance work and is a real estate agent for Wildlife Properties Land Company LLC.

Web Designer
Daughter of Chandra and Chris Wagner, 22 year-old Trinity became a handmade crafter in her family's business as well as becoming the website manager for Riverside Market. She created her collection, Sandstone Jewelry, in February 2021 where her pieces are each unique and truly yours. She is currently completing her fourth year at FHSU studying Marketing. Trinity loves that she can help her family business by having the responsibility to promoting the great works to the public eye.

Brother to Chandra, Brett discovered his craftsmanship in early 2020. Brett Winkel is a lifelong native of the local area. He is a husband and father to two fine young men. Also known as Chandra's "Little Brother", his creative side more than surprised us once he began working with the metals in the shop. His quick whit and problem-solving skills are exceptional and usually with quite a bit of humor. Brett has worked for Cunningham Telephone & Cable as the IT person for 23 years. Being able to use his creativity at Riverside Market while making people smile is a good side hobby he is enjoying.